CBS (Whitton) LTD
Motorcycle and Scooter Specialists since 1959
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Please note all prices are On The Road which includes 1 years road tax and first registration fee.

Sym ADX 125cc
£3849 O.T.R
SYM Scooters Motorcycles 50cc 125cc 200c 300cc 400cc Moped Scooter Learner legal 2 year warranty . Are world renowned for over 60 years for manufacturing quality vehicles with a proven track record in reliability. Models like JET, Symphony, Wolf, Cruisym, Crox & Fiddle are recognised not only for their value but more importantly their exceptional build quality, with the longest warranties in the Motorcycle & Scooter world, SYM leads the way for real Value, quality, price, reliability converge for the perfect vehicle for your needs. New Models NHX 125cc Trail NHT 125cc Trail, MASK 50cc 125cc Scooter, & Maxi Scooter TL 500 are the latest to carry on this proud history into the future. Experience peace of mind with 2 Years Warranty on 50cc & 2years Warranty on 125cc & above. No one does it Better or Longer We apply SYM brand to Developing International Two-Wheel Markets Taiwan ranks top 10 in the global two-wheel markets, which more the 13 millions of motorcycle have been registered in 2019, at the same time, Taiwan has full motor manufacturing chain. SANYANG MOTOR CO., LTD., being the first motor manufacturer in Taiwan, after more than 60 years of development, it is still an important leading brand, and actively deploying the international market. SANYANG MOTOR CO., LTD. established in 1954, cooperating with Honda, Japan at the first place. After 60 years of development, SANYANG stepping out to overseas market. Currently, the production centers are located in Taiwan, China, and Vietnam. Also set up their subsidiaries in China, Italy, and Germany. Having comprehensive developing technology in two wheelers industry, SANYANG produces multiple products in SYM brand - moped, scooter, bike and cub, selling to 90 countries all over the world with high praise. In the automobile business, SANYANG allies with Hyundai and successfully makes it a household auto brand in Taiwan.
CBS Whitton LTD stock the Sym jet14,Jet125x,Sym orbitt 125